DAVEH:  Yes, I understand that many societies and religions believed in an afterlife.  That's not the point that makes this discussion pertinent....but rather baptism.  How many other non Christian religions practice baptism would be a more interesting question to consider.   So how do you weigh in on this, DavidM?  Do you think those practicing baptism for the dead (1Cor 15:29) believed they were followers of Christ?

David Miller wrote:
DaveH wrote:
Does it seem strange to you that he would use
the bizarre practices of a (presumably) forbidden
practice to teach a Christian principle?

The resurrection is not just a Christian principle.  It is a principle found 
in many religions.  If I lived in ancient Egypt and was speaking to Egyptian 
Christians, I could very easily find myself appealing to them by saying, "if 
the dead rise not, why are all these pyramids built?  Why are the dead 
buried with all their most personal belongings?"  The point is to find some 
common agreement with their conscience and then go on to explain the truth 
in more detail, stripping away the superstition that surrounds them.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 


Dave Hansen
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