I guess that'd be a resounding but, diplomatic NO.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 02, 2005 09:44
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] Baptism 4 dead?

DAVEH:  ???   I'm not sure I understand your question, Lance.  Since I believe LDS theology has much to offer that is not available elsewhere, I see the Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant church as being theologically deficient.

Lance Muir wrote:
Dave:Would you be just as hopeful that those 'who need to repent' might,
after doing so become part of a Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant church as
one representing the LDS way of believing who Jesus was/is?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dave Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Sent: April 29, 2005 09:33
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] Baptism 4 dead?

DAVEH:  Have you ever attended an LDS service, Kevin?  Perhaps you
should try attending one of our Fast & Testimony meetings sometime.
They are usually held the first Sunday of each month.

    I'm probably not as spiritual as many TTers.  I think of Jesus as my
Elder Brother, who has shown me the path back Home and given me a great
sacrifice (for which I cannot repay him sufficiently) that allows me to
trod that path.  What I can do in return is try to live my life as I
believe he would want me to.  Failing that, I believe his grace and
mercy will make up for my deficiencies.  Besides my gratefulness for his
sacrifice in my behalf, he has given me a wonderful family and
guidelines in life as to how to raise that family.  When I see the
dismal lives of many people around me, it saddens me to think that it
would be so easy for those people who are self destructing to repent and
come unto Jesus and avoid many of the pitfalls of life.  Yet their greed
and desire to be free of any encumbrances in life prevent them to
submitting to our Lord.  Instead....it seems they merely yoke themselves
to Satan.  So Kevin, to summarize---I know Jesus is my Lord and Savior,
and without him I personally would be a lost soul, so to speak.  But I
feel his love and see the light of the gospel and know that I am a child
of God.

Kevin Deegan wrote:

Not to get off the subject but I was wondering Dave. Being that you
are a christian then, you may want to tell us a short Testimony of
what Jesus is doing in your life. Christians are always testifying
what the Lord has done for them, so go ahead praise the Lord! I would
find this fascinating since I have never heard a Mormon give such.

Dave Hansen
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