Chicago Statement of very conservative inerrancy
Some would not accept the Chicago statement as very conservative!
There are many that being more "very" conservative reject the liberal portions of that statement.
It is more Evangelical than Fundamentalist, maybe even neo Evangelical & in so doing, apealing to a larger crowd

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Caroline Wong wrote:


. We know Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings but not literal promises we get to hold God to. We know Psalms is Israel's songbook and it contains some pretty raw things said against their enemies and that we're not allowed to pray or think same way because of the new command Jesus gave us to love our enemies. Even the Chicago Statement of very conservative inerrancy acknowledge the presence of hyperbole in Jesus' statements and also that inerrancy does not apply to any translation.


Approaching the bible as truth in history, poetry, wisdom literature, biography and prophecy does not hurt a person's faith or relationship with God. It makes both stronger and richer. It is the product of our scientific age that we've understand truth only as scientific or mathematical and lost the beauty of truth in other forms.






Good thinking.  Probably the best post ever from a liberal.  :)


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