Dear Perry,
For an answer to your questions, Perry, please read section 76 of the D&C--it is, I understand, on-line.

I don't rely on satanically inspired documents for truth.

As to a general reply, I can only say that you seem to have the truth confused with what is familiar to just little ol' you. If it is not in the Bible, or within the realm of your limited experience, it can't be true, is that your theme?

Not quite. If anything that I read/hear/experience does not line up with the Bible, then it has no spiritual value. It may be true, but not useful for spiritual knowledge. Like the mormon church. It exists, I cannot deny. But there is nothing in the Bible that relates to it, describes it, explains it, foretells it, or supports it. Furthermore, it contradicts the Bible, bringing in all kinds of false prophecies and false doctrines, a false messiah, and a false god. Therefore, it has no spiritual value.

This is not only narrow reasoning, but actually sounds a little silly to the ear of one like myself who is open to all truth, regardless of where it might occur or be found.

So am I. it is just that I have heard no truth from the mormons.

I think you believe you are a Christian, yet you do not believe as Christians did in the apostolic church.

Hey, you have your right to an opinion. but that is all it is. And ALL means ALL.

Baptism is an issue currently being discussed, what is your stand--needed or not needed for salvation? I have noticed Kevin seems to be having a tough time defending his position that baptism is not needed for salvation. Please, let's stay with this until we are perhaps able to draw some mutually agreed upon conclusions. Your many questions below are too many for me to answer in the first place, and are, I think, calculated to draw us away from this critical issue of Baptism.

First, I have already answered that question on TT. In case you missed it, I believe that baptism is not a requirement for salvation.

Second, Kevin has done a superb job of quoting many scriptures that support that position. Why do you ignore and deny all of these? is it because you place the doctrines of a satanic cult above the Bible? Of course.

Third, do not expect us to arrive at mutually agreed upon conclusions, because the premises from which our respective doctrine comes are diametrically opposed.

I have answered your question of baptism (for the second time). Now, why not answer my questions? Plus the ones prior to that you also chose not to answer?


---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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