I can understand you viewpoint, but please realize that I believe these teachings to be true otherwise they would have no part in my life.  I do appreciate your concern for my spiritual well being.  I also have concern for your spiritual well being.  If you think that I'm in error, I'm willing to discuss it.  But let's approach it in a way that the Lord would approve of -- so the Spirit can guide us.  May the Lord's will be done, not yours or mine.

Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Bothoms wrote:

> Terry--
> Some non-LDS Christians insist that these things are secret. They are
> not secret -- otherwise, why would I be willing to discuss these
> things. But you must understand that these things are of a highly
> sacred nature; therefore, I will not discuss them in detail. As to
> the 'designs' that you refer to -- they are small stitchings in the
> under garments and are there to remind the wearer of the covenants
> made in the temple.
> Further, I want you to know, that I have no problem answering your
> questions so long as they are sincere. I also ask that you, at least
> respect my beliefs, even if you choose to disagree. I will be careful
> to likewise respect any of your beliefs that I might differ with. And
> may the Lord bless each of us with greater knowledge and understanding.
> --Raymond

I have no problem with respecting you as an individual as long as you do
not prove yourself unworthy of respect. Your beliefs, however are
another story. I cannot respect what I consider not only false, but of
the devil. To respectfully watch as you go on your merry way to Hell
would not be a Christian act. There is no hatred, no animosity, no hard
feelings connected with that. Just a desire to prevent any person,
Mormon or otherwise from spending eternity in torment. If I can
convince you to seek a better way, I will.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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