Perry wrote:
Holey skivvies with masonic emblems on them...the square and the compass. Tools of the craft.

Raymond wrote:

Hmmmm... It's clear that you are in attack mode.

Since when is mentioning a fact about mormon undergarments an attack? How can we reasonably discuss facts if, when I mention them, you perceive it as an attack?

But I would have you know that there major difference between masonic rituals and LDS temple ceremony. Although, you wouldn't know that would you.

I know that there are differences...but it is the similarities that interest me. As for what I do and do not know, I am neither a freemason nor a mormon. So, I have learned what I know by reading about both. There may be errors in what I have read. If you see error in what I have read, and stated, then please correct me, but please give me references so I can verify them for myself.

The teachings in the temple have nothing to do with 'Tools of the craft.' You've been reading to much anti-Mormon literature. You should spend more time learning truth.

I did not say that the teachings in the temple have anything to do with 'Tools of the craft'. I was referring specifically to the square and compass being 'tools of the craft', where 'the craft' is freemasonry, and their presence on mormon underwear. Do you know anyting about freemasonry? Are you a freemason?

The thing that interests me about the 'tools of the craft' (freemasonry being 'the craft') being embroidered onto the mormon underwear is why JS chose to use these symbols of freemasonry on the underwear. Did he 'borrow' the symbology from freemasonry? Did he receive a revelation or vision that he should use these symbols on the underwear? Do you think that the use of these symbols by freemasons pre-dates JS's use of them on the underwear? If JS received revelation about using these, please refer me to the document that states the revelation so I can read it for myself. I prefer not to read some mormon's biased commentary about it...I prefer the original source.


---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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