Debbie Sawczak wrote:
am one of those common folks, Izzy, with not much disposable income believe it or not. But I see little difference between putting money in the church collection plate and contributing to the support of an artist (musician, writer, whatever) who is doing quality art with integrity to the glory of Christ. Inside or outside the institutional church, it's still the same kingdom, Izzy. Often I can do both, but when not, I have chosen the latter, because there are plenty of rich folk in my church who do the former with abundance and whose minds it would never cross to do the latter. I also use some of my disposable income to buy good books, see good movies, and go to good concerts produced by people who are not professing Christians, so that these things also continue to exist. I am not ashamed to say that I try to put some of my money where some goodness and truth are. (I know you likely don't agree with my judgment of what is good and true, but so what.) There are many righteous causes to support. I'm sure you support some too. Long ago a lady wasted a whole bottle of expensive perfume just to wash Jesus' feet, and the fragrance filled the house.
When all your walls are covered with things, and you have found true happiness in all your stuff, I can tell you about some starving orphans that need help.

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