'I agree'? There's never a linguist around when you need one.
----- Original Message -----
From: Bothoms
Sent: May 12, 2005 18:31
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] Are Jesus and Satan brothers?

Terry: I believe that Satan is a fallen angel, the father of lies.

Raymond: I agree.

Terry: I believe that with at least six thousand years experience he is a very good liar and you do not necessarily have to be gullible to be taken in by him.

Raymond: I agree.

Terry: I believe that he is but one person who cannot be everywhere at once as God can, but he has hoards of demons doing his work and spreading his lies.

Raymond: I believe that God is in one place at a time, but that His power and influence are vast reaching. Like the sun is in one place and its power is felt by all. God also has angels doing His work. As for Satan, he is in only one place at a time, but his influence is broadly felt. I believe that his power, though, is far less than God’s. Oh, and yes, the devil does have demons doing his dirty work.

Terry: I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the only begotten Son of God.

Raymond: I agree.

Terry: I believe it is Jesus, Alpha to Omega, a to z, beginning to end.

Raymond: I agree.

Terry: He is the second person of the Godhead who created everything that was created.

Raymond: I agree, but would add that He created under the direction of His Father.

Terry: He was here before the universe was created and will be here when it is destroyed.

Raymond: He has no beginning and has no ending. As for the Universe, I don’t believe it will be destroyed.

Terry: They are total opposites, good versus evil. They have nothing in common.

Raymond: I agree.

Terry: I believe that the Bible is the word of God and is complete.

Raymond: I believe that the Bible is the word of God insofar as it is translated correctly. According to the Bible, itself, it is not complete.

Terry: Everything we need to know about praise, worship, sacrifice, love, obedience and salvation is contained in this one book.

Raymond: Do you suppose that all of God’s wisdom is in one book? What if He wanted to say more to us? Would you tell Him no? Would you tell Him that He should have said it way back when or else you will not listen?

Terry: Anything added since it's completion is of the devil, including but not limited to the book of Mormon.

Raymond: That’s a rather bold and broad statement. What proof do you have that it is of Satan and not of God?

Terry: That is it in a nut shell.

Raymond: I look forward to your answers.

Terry: I will forward something a little more detailed that I wrote a short time back, before you came on.

Raymond: Thanks, I look forward to reading it. I’m trying to get caught up on my email. I guess, that I don’t have all of the available time that many in this group seem to have.

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