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D&C (printed by the church) says Moroni is an angel of light
If I look up angel of light in Mormon Doctrine it says "see DEVIL"
Therefore the LDS Church has admitted that Moroni is the DEVIL

By the way I was being facetious: Kevin: They are the ones who publish the D&C, right?

Bothoms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Raymond: Because according to the Scriptures, Satan can appear almost as an angel of light.

Kevin: Do you work with Blaine?

Raymond: No, but he’s a friend of mine.

Kevin: What scripture are you "almost" referring to?

Raymond: I’m referring to "... that being who beguiled our first parents, who transformeth himself nigh unto an angel of light, and stirreth up the children of men..." (2Ne 9:9b) Satan, from time to time throughout history, has tried to deceive people by appearing like an angel of God.

Kevin: But why did your church say MORONi was an Angel of Light?

Raymond: An angel of light is an angel of God.

Kevin: They are the ones who publish the D&C, right?

Raymond: Yes, but Mormon Doctrine is a work by Elder Bruce R. McConkie.


In July 5, 1966, President McKay invited Elder McConkie into his office and gave approval for the book to be reprinted if appropriate changes were made and approved. Elder Spencer W. Kimball was assigned to be Elder McConkie's mentor in making those changes. So we have the later edition approved by the President and the future pres Kimball mentoring! So what is the problem? Why is it that you trash your own Apostles book? A book APPROVED by LDS President Prophet & SEER McKay & future Pres Kimball.
In addition; the publisher was not McConkie, but BOOKCRAFT who was very careful to obey the Brethren! 2nd edition was issued in 1966 & McConkie was called to the Quorum of the Twelve in 1972. So all editions after that were written by a MEMBER of the quorum.

Raymond: What is this accusation? I did not, as you put it, ‘trash’ the book. What I wrote is: Have you read the book called Mormon Doctrine? Have you even seen it? It's one of the most popular books in LDS literature. I've read most of it. There is a lot of great information in it.

Kevin: It takes a pretty good imagination to believe that a man who flagrantly ignored the direction of the president of the Church and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, would be called to fill a vacancy in that body! No doctrine was ever repudiated by the President in the book Mormon Doctrine. No doctrinal changes have been instituted since its first printing almost 40 years ago, giving plenty of time to revise & rectify any problems.

Kevin: So are you saying you can't always trust a 70? Just like the prophet they will RARELY lead you astray?

Raymond: You’re making an assumption that I’m opposed to the book; I’m not.  Where did you get that idea?

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