They pray to God in the name of Jesus.
So do Mormons, ask one.

Caroline Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've been to the Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship and I've taken a prayer conference there. You see everything manifestly - God, human spirits, demons. Quite a mix!
I'm not aware that the TACF is resulting in an exodus of Protestants back to the Catholic church. I've prayed with Charismatic Catholics before and those ladies are tremendous prayer warriors. They pray to God in the name of Jesus. That's the funny thing about prayer. It seems to break through all denominational lines.
We have quite a few ex-Catholics in our church and often have to tone them down a little. They are so virulently anti-Catholic. After a while, they can speak of their former church without going into rants about idolatry and the anti-Christ. :-)
If Protestants are going to the Catholic church, I hope they bring with them traditions like personal scriptural study. There does seem to be a renaissance of Catholics reading and studying the bible. Some are even moving beyond prescribed prayer. Not many but it's a start. Perhaps they will reform the church. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 11:08 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Toronto Blessing & Alpha

Caroline I noted you are involved with Alpha, are you also involved with the Toronto Blessing and aware of the following?
This is from an Australian publication.  judyt
TITLE:  Toronto Blessing leads to Rome
TEXT:  An unbelievable exodus has been occuring from Protestant Churches to the Roman Catholic Church. Seeing is believing - here is one site where you can see ex-pastors from Protestant Churches as well as sects making the shift.

These people believe that are returning or converting to the ‘true faith’. The Catholic Church is boasting of the many hundreds that are now ‘coming home’. Apostacy has taken a giant step. Assemblies of God pastors who once ‘felt the presence of God’ at Toronto are now ‘feeling the presence of Jesus’ in the eucharist. They are reading into Scripture to support their new beliefs just as they were before. Rodney Howard Browne brought Toronto to the Catholic Church in 1997.
According to a report on the November 1997, Charisma magazine, Rodney Howard-Browne took his phenomenon to the Presentation Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic Church in Philadelphia. More than 1,200 Catholics, many from far distances, attended the meeting in August.
Charisma magazine noted that "Catholics laughed hysterically after they were hit with what Howard-Browne refers to as 'the joy of the Holy Ghost.'" Did the Holy Spirit convict them of error? No, Rodney H Browne just gave them a laugh and increased converts to the Roman Catholic Church. Alpha is also being hailed as bringing in more converts to the RCC then in its recent history and there is a nice blend of charismania and Mary worship in many parishes like this one:

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