From: Bothoms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

As for the extra books --- I'm an LDS Christian; and I've read them and I know what's in them. Why don't you read them and ask God if they are true? Would you rather, as a non-LDS Christian, depend upon man for your answers or God? I prefer to follow God and I know that God answers prayer.



If one reads satanically inspired books, then prays over them asking for truth, what is the chance that Satan will answer the call? By even entertaining literature that bears the signature of Satan, that contradicts the bible, and that came about through a man that was and is known to have participated in nefarious and occultic activities is risky.

Look at what happened to you. You exchanged the truth for a lie. When people that do that, I feel it is because they have allowed Satan a inroad to their lives, and have fallen for the lie. I cannot entertain that. I cannot sit idly by while the same lies are spread to Christians who may not understand the seriousness of the sitiation.

The mormons are working hard to make themselves appear as a Christian sect, in fact as the ONLY Christian sect, but they are neither. Satan has worked for more than a century and has woven a very complex fabric of deceit. It looks so tempting, so wholesome, so appealing from the outside that it took me years of study and prayer to understand what is on the inside, and to finally get to the point where the various hints and clues to its origin began to fit together to expose the hand of Satan in it.

As far as I can tell, there are only two on this group who have fit the pieces and Kevin. (If there are others that have done so, they have not made themselves known on the forum.) Our studies were done independently through the years...we met (online) only when I joined this group. We independently have arrived at the same conclusios about the mormons. Anyone who spends time reading scripture and talking to mormons will begin to understand the different meanigs of words, see the differences in the mromon deities and the Christian Deity.

Have you noticed that when Kevin and I expose the mormon deceit on this forum, that no one besides the mormons try to contradict us? I believe that they sense the hand of satan, the differences in the mormon deities and the God of the Bible, the deceptive nature of the system, and do not interfere. I know this group. If they disagreed even a little, they would certainly say so.


---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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