Who knows what doors in the spiritual realm will be opened and what pollution would be released?

New Age "CHRISTianity" are you talking about incantations?

Caroline Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes Christ became a curse for us so that we don't have to walk in it - but we are.  Something is very wrong because the Church is just as sick as the world.  Go to any doctor's waiting room - you won't be able to tell the difference and this ought not to be.  Why is the Church wearing the curse? Because we don't understand sin, righteousness, or judgment as Per Hosea 4:6 - while we are busy being nice folk and respecting ppl Satan is eating us for lunch and because pastors don't want to deal with it some are even teaching that this is a blessing.
I agree with you that on key things like divorce or sickness, there doesn't seem to be much difference between Christians and nonChristians. We do not seem to have the victorious life. I think it's because we're don't understand spiritual power and spiritual battle. The things that are powerful in the spiritual realm (prayer, forgiveness, confession, humility, love, generosity etc) are foolishness in the physical realm. You're right when you say Satan is eating people for lunch. I think when people get angry or become proud and arrogant, they open doors in the spiritual realm for all sorts of demons and spiritual junk. That's why I refrain from unnecesarily making people angry or proud. Unless someone is ready to hear, they won't hear. Forcing them to listen will only make them angry. Jesus said not to throw pearls before swine.
Maybe your denomination has taught you that we will be perfected when the final trump sounds and the Church is raptured off to heaven.  Well God doesn't need us perfected up there, he has enough perfect ones and no sin there. He needs us to do the work of the ministry here.  Kevin may not believe exactly like me but he is busy doing what he believes God has called him to do and some of you are all over him like a rash in spite of what God says about division and strife (in his eyes this is the same as adultery)  Grace and Peace, judyt
My denomination (and many others) teach that we'll be changed in the twinkling of an eye at death. And that now we see poorly but after we'll see clearly. I personally believe God judges us whenever we sin so that we can know what not to do. Then He forgives us and teaches us so that not only will we know what to do, we'll be able to do that. Sin has consequences and can enslave us. His forgiveness frees us to obey Him. On most days, I have no problems allowing Kevin to do what he feels is his call. Today, God asked me if I wanted to be a Street Preacher. Would I like to hold up a sign and yell at Kevin and rebuke him.Oh yes! I cried. But on thinking it over, I think the better answer is no. To do so would be to harden Kevin. David might consider what I wrote, sift through my words for anything from God but Kevin will automatically assume everything I'm waving in his face or yelling at him is from the devil and we will end up yelling at each other to the detriment of both our souls. Who knows what doors in the spiritual realm will be opened and what pollution would be released? Like Debbie, who is wiser that me, I may have to bow out of this arena.

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