'Likeminded' being the operative word here, Judy. In your case (along with David & Izzy) it means 'the measuring stick of my tradition.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 23, 2005 08:01
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] Where have all the non-fundies gone save (excepting)

Hey Lance, if I thought what they had to say was that important I would go back to college and take a course in worldly comprehension.  But at this point in my life I realize that everyone has an opinion and  so I can respect the person without embracing their opinions.  As for my will - well I have set that to follow hard after God and I'm glad to join
with anyone who is likeminded.   jt
On Mon, 23 May 2005 07:16:29 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Both groupings wrote well and, insightfully. You 'cannot' understand what they are saying. Some believe that you 'will not' to understand. I go with the former conclusion. We've been down that road previously. It is just possible that everyone who has spoken to/of you thusly is quite incorrect and, that the reverse is true. Naaaaaaaaaaa, too much like science fiction.

Just possibly the Mormons have not been called by the Father, (so far anyway) since they don't respond and as for
the ones you mention below.  Slade, Bill, and Jonathan don't appear to be able to handle any type of challenge to
what they believe they know already so they emotionally bail out.  The girls write lots of words - But hey! there are
many voices out there - none without signification.  What were they saying Lance since you have so much
understanding?  I listen for the voice of the Lord through ppl.  I didn't hear Him through them.
And just what pray tell is "the sunset of oblivion?" Are you saying there is the opportunity to make a name for
oneself in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ?   jt
On Sat, 21 May 2005 06:28:24 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
the Bishop and the 'myth man' ? Ya gots the Amen corner patting one another on the back while the sub text includes mutual monologues (not a dialogue) between Mormons and those who seek to 'gospelize' them.The Mormons themselves attempt to walk some sort of line between identifying themselves as the one true 'recovered' church and calling themselves 'christians'. Not gonna do it, in any orthodox sense, while preaching the Jesus they preach.
Just look at who you 'frustrated' off TT: Slade, Bill, Jonathan, Caroline and Debbie. Unlike myself, they could both write and, had something to say worth engaging.
Wake up O thou that sleepest! Do not walk off into the sunset of oblivion needlessly.

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