John wrote:
> What denominational association do you maintain


John wrote:
> ... and/or What denominational association is the
> church you now attend?

None.  We are an apostolic church, not associated with any denomination.

Have you ever read of the denominations mentioned in the Bible? 
Denominations seem to cause more trouble than good.

John wrote:
> Your answer to these questions has a lot to do
> with how I respond to this post.   You know
> my afflication.   What is yours?

I know your affliction?  :-)  I know that you were affiliated in the past 
with Church of Christ, but what is your affiliation now?  I'm not sure of 

My background includes Methodist, Nazarene, Charismatic, Presbyterian, some 
Baptist, Pentecostal (Church of God), some Church of Christ, and several 
independent home churches.  I presently affiliate with no denominations and 
have no plans to.  I try whenever possible to help people detach themselves 
from denominations.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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