Blaine wrote:
> ... it came through to me that she was one of my
> immediate ancestors, a woman born in Norway,
> who had been active in converting her husband and
> family to Mormonism, and that she was there to show
> her approval of what we were in process of doing.

Blaine, I appreciate you sharing experiences like this.  While I might have 
a different understanding of what events like these are all about, it gives 
me insight into a side of Mormonism that I might not otherwise have.

Question for Dave Hansen:
Dave, I have noticed over the years that Blaine has many mystical 
experiences like this one that he has shared, and that he is actively 
engaged in astrology.  I have never seen you share of such experiences.  I 
am curious about how you perceive Blaine's reports like this one.  Do you 
readily accept them as stated and interpreted?  How many in Mormonism do you 
know who embrace astrology and the kind of mysticism that Blaine does?  Do 
you, Dave, accept astrology too?  I guess I am trying to understand the kind 
of diversity in Mormonism in regards to present day mysticism.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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