DAVE:  ???   I don't understand your answer, Lance.  Are you saying you think I am here to teach Mormon doctrine?

Lance Muir wrote:
I have never observed otherwise.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: May 27, 2005 03:06
Subject: [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] mormon angels. was: Dave uses Socratic Method of Teac

Are you on TT to teach mormon doctrine?

DAVEH:  No, Perry....as I've explained before, that was not what motivated me to join TT, nor is it the reason I remain.   My main focus was and is to learn about your (Protestants in general) beliefs........and, I must say...I've learned a lot, though not quite what I expected. 

    It is obvious that despite all your searching you were unable to find any instance of me saying I am........


...........as you inaccurately suggested.  (Will there be a forthcoming apology?)

    What you will find is that I have stated that in addition to satisfying my curiosity about other TTer's beliefs, I also am willing to reciprocate by answering questions TTers might have about my beliefs, and try to correct any misconceptions.....or words to that effect.   I don't feel that makes me a teacher of Mormon doctrine, but rather I see it as being courteous to those who what to know what floats a Mormon's boat.  And please do not misconstrue what I just said, Perry......that simply is not the reason I came to TT.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
Are you on TT to teach mormon doctrine?

From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] mormon angels. was: Dave uses Socratic Method of Teaching LDS doctrine on TT
Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 23:41:09 -0700

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

David, and Dave,

  Dave states that he is "not here [on TT] to learn the truth...he is here to learn what protestants think, and why".  While not part of his "pat" statement about why he is on TT, he also said that he is not here tio convert anyone to mormonism or to teach mormonism.

 I believe that Dave is genuine about his stated reasons for being here.

 Most of the time, Dave answers questions about his faith when asked, and that presents no problem at all.

  Sometimes Dave will ask someone what "protestants" believe. They will answer him honestly and forthrightly. Dave will then begin to DEBATE what they believe by interject unsolicited mormon doctrine, sometimes socratically. Again, I have no problems with his doing this.

  However, when I say, "Dave, you have said that you are not here to teach mormon doctrine", which is what he is doing when he introduces mormon doctrine in rebuttal to a question he has asked to "learn what protestants think", he denies it.

  Now, he may "say" that he is not here to teach mormon doctrine, and that may indeed not by "why" he is here. But, when confronted with the fact that he said he is not here to TEACH mormon doctrine but is, in fact TEACHING mormon doctrine, I have a problem with that. To me it is not being genuine. All Dave has to do is admit that at times he teaches mormon doctrine on TT. It is the fact that he sometimes teaches mormon doctrine, but denies that he does so, that I am complaining about.

  Furthermore, he has taken my comlpaint and TWISTED it to mean that I object to his teaching mormon doctrine. That has never been my argument. It is a lie for him to twist it that way. He can teach ALL the mormon doctrine he wishes...I would just like for him to stop denying it and admit that is what he is doing.

  Case in point. Blaine makes no qualms about proudly presenting his mormon beliefs, and that has NEVER bothered me...because BLAINE NEVER MADE THE STATEMENT THAT HE IS NOT TEACHING MORMON DOCTRINE on TT.

DAVEH:  Nor have I made such a statement, Perry.  Now look who's twisting the truth....


Dave Hansen
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