DAVEH: Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!!! What are you trying to do to me, DavidM....stab me in the back? You are just feeding more fuel to fire Perry's argument!!!! :-D

BTW........What are you doing up so late? Don't you know it is going to make you miss Sunday School tomorrow! :-)

David Miller wrote:

In regards to the Perry / Dave exchange, I would like to say that I greatly appreciate Dave's participation on TruthTalk. I have learned a lot about Mormonism because of his presence here. I have read dozens of books and studied numerous aspects of Mormonism because of his posts. I have appreciated times he has taken to quote LDS writings, and he has even sent me books to read, including the standard works of Mormonism. Blaine tipped me off to the history of Mormonism written by Joseph Smith and I purchased that set and have read much of it. When I consider my knowledge of Mormonism before interacting with guys like Dave and Blaine and compare it to what I know now about it, I must say that it has been better than several years of classes on it at a university somewhere. I enjoy learning for the sake of learning, so all I can say is thank you Dave and Blaine for your participation here on TruthTalk.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

Dave Hansen
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