John wrote:
> ... Christ took the curse of the Law away
> ... If righteousness came by the Law,
> then Christ died in vain, David.
> ... to be justified by Law is to be fallen from grace.
> <...snip...>
Enough, Bishop. You are preaching to the choir here. I agree with points
like these. Good - because they are taken from scritprue My point was that if God was not a legalist, there would have
been no need for an offering. Why didn't God just forgive everyone... live
and let live, without any offering, cross and crucifixion? What's the point
of all that if God is not a legalist? Your definition has everyone a legalist.
legalist: someone who adheres to the literal interpretation of law or moral
code. Where in the Law does it require the blood sacrifice for all of mankind by the Incarnate God?
Law: the wages of sin is death. How does a non-legalist get around this
problem, Simple, He nails this curse of the law to the cross and considers our sins no more.
and how does the legalist get around the problem? Hint: How does
someone like Lance solve the problem versus how does someone like God solve
the problem? I suspect the Canadian Bishop would agree with God's solution.
Peace be with you.
David Miller.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how
you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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