One out of two ain't bad, David. When you go to the second hand store for a
new suit, do you ask for a 44 long? Rather than having this sin conversation
one more time we'll just agree to disagree. You just spoke the other day of
the remnants of  human nature even in such as yourself. Let's just say that
those 'remnants' find an opportunity for expression every single day of your
life. You eat every day, you breath every day and, you 'remnant' every day.

By the by David, I'm not calling YOU a liar. However, I am, once again,
calling you self deceived. You remind me of John Nash in 'A Beautiful Mind'
excepting your delusions are smaller than his.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: June 03, 2005 06:43
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Obesity

> John wrote:
> > I was illustrating "sin management,"   David.
> > Who said anything about slowing down ones
> > metabolism?   No me.   But let's stay on track
> > and avoid a food fight.
> You were using the problem of obesity to illustrate the value of sin
> management.  You used the postponement of eating as an analogy to validate
> the concept of postponing sin.  Well, if it does not work for fat people,
> why do you think it will work with sin?  Let's just say that I was drawing
> upon your analogy for two reasons:  1) to help anyone struggling with
> overweight, and 2) to illustrate that your teaching concerning sin is
> probably about just as effective as your success in managing your weight.
> Look, you have told us often that you are fat and that you continue to
> Why do you presume to teach us how to manage these issues?  Don't you
> a little more humility is in order?  How about trying to hear a little
> from those on the list who are not fat and who do not sin?  Or are you
> to reject the idea that some people on the list are not fat, just as you
> reject the idea that some people on this list do not continue to sin?
> Humility, John, humility.  Is that too much to ask?  Not everybody on the
> list is fat, and not everybody on the list sins.  In other words, not
> everybody is just like you.  Think about that, and think about how such
> facts should flavor the way you communicate on this list.  More humility
> in order here.
> Spoken firmly in love, wishing you only the best in Christ,
> David Miller.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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