Why suddenly so concerned for the truth, Deegan?  do you know what I mean by "sinless perfectionism?"
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 09:16:17 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Obesity

You are accusing him of something he has never professed.
Standard "fair" for this crowd!

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, 03 Jun 2005 07:25:57 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You are such a bore, David.   If one eats nearly all the time  --  postponement is a good thing.  If one thinks to stop at Burger King for the third time today, postponement is a good thing.  And it is not eating more often, David;  it is eating smaller meals more often   --  postponement working again.  If I think to eat a candy bar after hours,  postponement is a good thing.  
What is wrong with you ppl - you break the Royal Law so far as David Miller is concerned daily.  Where's the love??
You are quick to throw out everything but Christ's two commandments and you break both on a daily basis.
And why do I think it will work with sin   --   because I am told that if I flee youthful lusts,  I will have victory   ------  on any occasion thaI I do  this, a victory will be mine.   The addict, if not miraculously delivered  (and most [say 99%] are not),  his only hope is sin management  --  postponement.  If the postponement is successful, he can build on that success.  
This must be where your "incarnational gospel" fails.  Jesus did not go to the cross for "sin management"  He defeated sin and freed us from it's inheritance, power, and presence ... However, this reality seems to threaten you.
"  ...  who do not sin  ....."   No one on this list fits that description, David   --   lest of which is you.  Let me make myself clear:  THE number one reason why I do not believe in sinless perfectionism is YOU.  That's it. 
You are accusing him of something he has never professed. I have read DM's views on sin and have seen him admit that he misses it, repents and goes on.  When consistent that sin should eventually fall away.  Why do you persist in accusing him?  The blood of bulls and goats covered sin which was a type of sin management.  The blood of Christ remits them.  Big difference.
You is the reason for the season.  I think it funny that you equate "humility" with my giving attention to you or people like you.   Arrogance, pride and conceit plague us all, don't they David? 
You may speak for yourself - otherwise all you are doing is becoming the devil's advocate JD.
Back to "postponement."  Eatng  is not my only issue  --  and the management principle has, in deed, worked in a number of areas in my life.   JD
Management does not get rid of the problem. This is what Israel thought they would do when God told them to get rid of the Canaanite Nations.  They partially obeyed but decided to allow some to stay and be water carriers for them and these enemies rose up and bit them in the rear end.  Something to think about.  jt
-----Original Message-----
From: David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Sent: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 06:43:36 -0400
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Obesity

John wrote:
> I was illustrating "sin management,"   David.
> Who said anything about slowing down ones
> metabolism?   No me.   But let's stay on track
> and avoid a food fight.

You were using the problem of obesity to illustrate the value of sin 
management.  You used the postponement of eating as an analogy to validate 
the concept of postponing sin.  Well, if it does not work for fat people, 
why do you think it will work with sin?  Let's just say that I was drawing 
upon your analogy for two reasons:  1) to help anyone struggling with being 
overweight, and 2) to illustrate that your teaching concerning sin is 
probably about just as effective as your success in managing your weight.

Look, you have told us often that you are fat and that you continue to sin. 
Why do you presume to teach us how to manage these issues?  Don't you think 
a little more humility is in order?  How about trying to hear a little more 
from those on the list who are not fat and who do not sin?  Or are you going 
to reject the idea that some people on the list are not fat, just as you 
reject the idea that some people on this list do not continue to sin?

Humility, John, humility.  Is that too much to ask?  Not everybody on the 
list is fat, and not everybody on the list sins.  In other words, not 
everybody is just like you.  Think about that, and think about how such 
facts should flavor the way you communicate on this list.  More humility is 
in order here.

Spoken firmly in love, wishing you only the best in Christ,
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how 
you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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