John wrote: > So where was the concern when Deegan called me a liar half a dozen times?

Just for the record, John, I wrote Gary privately about that and his response was asking me to dig up the old posts for him. Then he posted something to TruthTalk that basically said he wanted people to be free to speak however they like to speak. Peace be with you. David Miller.


John wrote:
> Too bad you don't work for a living -- it would go a long way to keeping you off the street.

From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thu, 19 May 2005 16:40:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fond Farewells

We went thru this all before and JD knows this. I don't mind if any call me ANGRY (CW) or worse (Johnathan). But to continue to propagate outright lies, well that is JD.

This is a little bit of a sore point, as I will try and explain (again) I do not have my own business but am employed by others. I was married to Cheryl for 10 years in which we never had a vacation because all my vacation and many weekends and evenings were spent in ministy, in church & out.



Kevin Deegan
Wed, 20 Apr 2005 04:25:52 -0700

DO not LIE & imply that I ever said "GO TO HELL" or have any wishes that anyone go there.

You are a liar. (Like father like son)


In a message dated 4/19/2005 3:21:17 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

L&M says Go to hell, David

Lance has caught the Jezebel Spirit!!!!!

So you don't like it when someone says it back to you?




Kevin Deegan
Sun, 24 Apr 2005 04:50:29 -0700

First it was you never talked to any CoC's Then it was never in the Church

And now that david has posted the names it becomes Well you never preached in one!


Just like the "NONE" that mysteriously changed to "few"

Par for the course for the LIAR


In a message dated 4/23/2005 2:12:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I'm not sure who you are talking about when you say "ignorant" Church of Christers, or what you mean by saying that I handled them so effectively. Many of them have sought me out, some I have accepted invitations to come visit them in their church or home, some have approached me trying to convert me to their way but ending up slipping on the creek bank and becoming baptized in the Holy Ghost and coming out of the Church of Christ.

Nonsense, David. Absolute nonsense. You have never been invited to a non- instrument Church of Christ and delivered members of that church from whatever -- if that is a part of your claim in the above. Names, David. Give me the name of any Church of Chrsit you prached in..................... not unless you pretended to be one of them.


Kevin Deegan
Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:07:24 -0700

LIAR says You got me. Whoa -- how could I have been so inconsistent? No, actually, I meant what I said. Judy is the one who equated "one" with a "lot." This is what I mean -- you really don't read our posts. You just react.

Point is you changed your story. That is to be expected.

When one lies it gets hard to keep the stories straight!


In a message dated 4/20/2005 4:52:12 AM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

JD NOW says By the way -- "one" is not "a lot."

JD previously said "There are no corrupt Bibles"
SO, what you really meant to say was "there are few corrupt Bibles"

You got me. Whoa -- how could I have been so inconsistent? No, actually, I meant what I said. Judy is the one who equated "one" with a "lot." This is what I mean -- you really don't read our posts. You just react.



Judy Taylor
Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:25:39 -0700

Another lie to cover the first one JD? Why not just "give it up" because this is a gotcha!

What I said is that there are a lot of corrupt bibles out there and I gave one as an example

which is hardly equating one with a lot. Do you have a problem with dyslexia by any chance? jt

On Wed, 20 Apr 2005 11:06:11 -0700 (PDT) Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

LIAR says You got me. Whoa -- how could I have been so inconsistent? No, actually, I meant what I said. Judy is the one who equated "one" with a "lot." This is what I mean -- you really don't read our posts. You just react.

Point is you changed your story. That is to be expected.

When one lies it gets hard to keep the stories straight!


David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Lance wrote:
> Why not let David take care of this privately?

Because Gary said it publicly. Besides that, my experience is that Gary
often does not respond to my private posts, so why should I waste my time?

Can't you, Gary, and John follow rules? Let's not be lawless. We have one
rule on TruthTalk: No ad hominem arguments. The reason for this is because
the dialogue degenerates into being about egos and people defending
themselves. We want to talk about truth. The list is not for evangelizing,
personal counseling, or any other similar personal ministry. It is a place
for discussing Truth.

Here is the way it works.

When Perry acts as moderator to guide people away from the ad hominem
arguments, the people addressed should comply and not respond to the list.
If you have a problem with what he is saying, write to him privately. Perry
is the only one on the list who can address personal issues, and he does so
as moderator to keep the discussion on track. So please do not reply to the
list when reading any post where Perry signs it as moderator, or indicates
in the subject line that the post is being made as moderator.

Concerning Kevin calling John a liar. That is an ad hominem remark as well
and is generally not allowed. We have been over this many times. Giving
evidence along with the remark might make such a post allowable in some
cases. That is for the moderator to make the call on. The reason it might
be allowed is because if he wants to demonstrate how someone is bearing
false witness by producing facts, that might be edifying to the list. Just
calling someone a liar is not edifying. Still, what is considered solid
evidence to one person might appear to be no evidence at all to everybody
else, so the moderator has the final say about what will be allowed. There
are gray areas here. Personally, I think it is best if nobody ever calls
anyone a liar on the list. That does not mean he cannot do so privately or
in another forum. It is not a sin to call someone a liar. It is something
we simply discourage on this list only. The reason? We want to talk about
truth, not judge one another on the list. The focus here should be on
truth, concepts, ideas, theology, philosophy, and opinions, not upon people.

So to summarize:

1. No ad hominem arugments are allowed on the list.

2. Do not respond to the list on any posts signed by Perry as moderator.
Accept what he says, or respond privately if needed.

3. If you think someone has crossed the line about the ad hominem rule,
respond to that person directly on the list in the course of your argument
to point out their error, or write Perry privately and ask him to do
something about it. Do not attempt to use it to justify the ad hominem
remarks of others. Two wrongs do not make something right. You cannot
justify bad behavior by pointing out somebody else's bad behavior.

If we follow these simple rules, the list will get cleaned up and we can get
back to some constructive discussions like we have had in the past.

Peace be with you.
David Miller
List Administrator

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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