I'll 'kill two birds with one stone'. (Judy & Terry) IFF GWB actually lied about the WMD who is responsible for this? 1. Satan whom you describe and the 'father of lies'. 2. GWB himself who might (please note that I said MIGHT) have lied.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 21, 2005 15:17
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Hill Cumorah

Not at all Lance; who is the 'father of lies'?  If a person is motivated by a 'lying spirit' then who would
you say is behind what they speak?  Why did Jesus tell the Jews who prided themselves on being
children of Abraham that they were of "their father the devil"?  Wasn't it because the truth was
standing right there in front of them and they chose to believe the lie?  If evil does not come from
the devil then where does it come from?  Who is the one who comes to "steal, kill, and destroy?"  jt
On Tue, 21 Jun 2005 15:06:26 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
IFF a politician lies (say the President of the United States) and thereby millions around the world are deceived, are we then to attribute this to Satan or, to the man himself. Also, what if that one (President) is a professing believer?
Why am I doing this? Not for the fun of it. There is altogether too much attribution of evil to Satan, IMO.
I am not saying that Satan is responsible for all evil, Lance.  In the past, I have been guilty of much evil using my own talents. Had the Lord not saved me, I would have had to pay for those evils.  Satan would not have been guilty, I would, and the punishment I received I would have deserved.
 Still, Satan is alive and well and has a boatload of demons acting in his behalf.  It is my belief that when a great lie is told and millions believe it, it is not the lie of a man, but of the father of lies,, working through a willing servant.
This is not carved in stone, but give the devil his due.

Lance Muir wrote:
To Terry:I believe it to be important that we not make 'Satan' responsible for everything. It may be 'reasonable' but not necessary I'm not as sure as others who post on this.
It seems very reasonable to assume that Satan is behind the scenes in both religions, Lance.

He is the enemy of God, so he wants to lead people away from a relationship with God.  He is a deceiver.  That is his role in this plan of which we are all a part..  He is a liar and the father of lies.  He, having thousands of years of experience and a more evil mind than any man, is able to come up with much more believable lies than men can invent.  To assume that Mohammed or Joe Smith were not his willing vessels would be to vastly underestimate his influence.  Never underestimate your enemy.


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