Is your comment just your assumption?  Who says I radically disagree with Luther?  He is a believer isn't he?
I don't agree with his attitude toward the Jews and some other issues but I think he knows what he's talking
about here.  What fleshly calamities are you referring to?  judyt
On Sat, 02 Jul 2005 11:01:36 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
You quote someone with whom you so radically disagree?  Poor old Martin  --  he sufferes from the same fleshly calamities as the rest of us.  JD 

From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Luther?s Discourse on Aristotle?s Teachings:
The universities need a sound and thorough reformation. I must say so no
matter who takes offence. Everything that the papacy has instituted or
ordered is directed solely towards the multiplication of sin and error.
Unless they are completely altered from what they have been hitherto, the
universities will fit exactly what is said in the Book of Maccabees:
?Places for the exercise for youth, and for the Greekish fashion? (2 Macc
Loose living is practiced there, little is taught of the Holy Scripture
or the Christian faith; the blind pagan teacher, Aristotle, is of more
consequence than Christ. In my view, Aristotle?s writings on Physics,
Metaphysics. On the soul, and Ethics, hitherto regarded as the most
important, should be set aside along with all others that boast they
treat of natural objects, for in fact they have nothing to teach about
things natural or spiritual. 
Remember too that no one, up to now, has understood his teaching, but
much precious time and mental energy have been uselessly devoted to
wasteful work, study, and effort. I venture to say that a potter has more
understanding of the things of nature than is written down in those
books. It pains me to the heart that this damnable, arrogant, pagan
rascal has seduced and fooled so many of the best Christians with his
misleading writings. God has made him a plague to us on account of our
In his book, On the Soul, which is one of his best, the wretched fellow
teaches that the soul dies with the body; and many have tried, in vain,
to defend him. It is as if we did not possess the Holy Scriptures where
we find a superabundance of teaching on the whole subject, of which
Aristotle has not the faintest inkling. Yet this defunct pagan has
attained supremacy; impeded and almost suppressed, the Scriptures of the
living God. When I think of this lamentable state of affairs, I cannot
avoid believing that the Evil One introduced the study of Aristotle.
On the same principles his book on Ethics is worse than any other book,
being the direct opposite of God?s grace, and the Christian virtues; yet
it is accounted among the best of his works. Oh! Away with such books
from any Christian hands. Let no one accuse me of overstating the case,
or object that I do not understand. 
My dear Sir, I know well enough what I am saying. Aristotle is as
familiar to me as to you and your like. I have read him and studied him
with more understanding than did St. Thomas Aquinas or Duns Scotus.
Without pride I can make that claim, and if needs be, prove it. It makes
no difference that for centuries so many of the best minds have devoted
their labors to him. Such objections do not affect me as at one time they
used to do. For it is plain as the day that the longer the lapse of time,
the greater the errors which abound in the world and the universities.
I wold gladly grant the retention of Aristotle?s books on Logic, Rhetoric
and Poetics, or that they should be abridged and read in a useful form to
train young men to speak and preach well. But the comments and notes
should be set aside and, just as Cicero?s Rhetoric is read without notes
and comments, so also Aristotle?s Logic should be read in its simple
form, and without the lengthy comments. But today no man learns from it
how to speak or preach; the whole thing has become a mere subject of
argumentation and a weariness to the flesh. (Martin Luther by John
Dillenberger p470,471)
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how 
you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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