Judy, in another post,  while denying God's sovereign and unmerited salvation offering, you accuse those who accept this notion as those who are "gloring in their spots, wrinkles and blemishes" and are "building their house on sand ....."  
(I cannot copy your posted words because of the little "J" thingy that attached itself that post.... it puts my machine into some kind o funk.)
What is sad about this observation is this:  your persistence in the accusation that we "glory in our" failings !!!   As far as I am concerned, such is a malicious accusation in view of the fact that it has been denied on so many occasions  -- you preferring to continue an ugly and false stereotype of those who glory in the God of their salvation.   I venture to say that there is not a person on this forum, who are accepting God's sovereign plan of salvation, who takes any pleasure at all in knowing that we are of such failing that God has no choice but to accept us as we are, offering a salvation that is both immediate and completely effectual   -  [God]  hoping  our acceptance in faith will open our eyes  and hearts to an obedience that is in demonstration of this fait complii  (as our resident theologians have put it). 
Monologue presses the denied stereotypes  -- dialogue accepts other's explanations and cooperates this into the discussion.   When this does not happen  -- there can be no coming together.   The working of God in this _expression_ of community is denied. 

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