John wrote:
> How is one trained in formal logic so
> very illogical?

Perhaps you are not considering all the evidence that I am.  What appears to 
you to be illogical is not, but why would it matter to you when you believe 
that God and the grace of God is illogical?

John wrote:
> Looking forward to another time is not the same
> as having known Jesus face to face  ----------
> a conclusion without any exegetical merit.

I never said it was the same.  Moses knew Jesus, face to face; that is, he 
knew the Logos.  He did not just look forward to him.  In Exodus 24 we can 
read how Jesus and Moses and more than 70 others dined together.

John wrote:
> Moses and Genesis?   see a signature somewhere?
> The reason why we accept this conclusion is because
> of Church history and oral tradition.   Probably, maybe,
> could be, might be  ----  true.   It is not an issue but I have
> presented the best that can be said for this authorship.

The best evidence we have for the authorship of Moses is the testimony of 
Jesus Christ.  Don't let the scholars (the scribes of our day) prevent you 
from recognizing this simple truth.  Higher criticism likes to speculate on 
various authors, but Jesus settles the question for those of us with faith 
in him.

By the way, you talked in a previous post about faith being emotional.  I 
consider all faith based in emotion to be a false faith known as 
presumption.  Faith is based upon knowledge, not emotion.  See Romans 10. 
Faith must have some components of logic and understanding that touch the 
spirit.  The emotional decision making thing has nothing to do with faith 
unless you are talking about when one is touching knowledge that comes from 
the spirit rather than through the mind.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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