Reflecting Theologically on Popular Culture as Meaningful by TurnauLance, if 
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I think this article by Turnau illustrates some of the problems on TruthTalk 
between those who lean toward the Calvinistic view of sin and those who lean 
toward the more evangelical view of sin.  Obviously, I think Turnau is 
walking off the straight and narrow path with his discourse.  I actually 
burst out in laughter here at work when I read one of his introductory 
paragraphs.  Here is the paragraph:

Turnau wrote:
"Withdrawing from certain cultural texts and replacing them with others will 
not render the audience less sinful. Rather, the compulsive and organic 
nature of sin means that in eschewing certain cultural idolatries by 
disengaging ourselves from the surrounding culture, we are probably only 
setting up more socially acceptable idolatries that will be harder to detect 
and repent of (e.g., materialism, or the family, or pride in our own 

In other words, if we withdraw from the sinful engagements of this world, we 
will not become less sinful, but rather we will only disguise our own sin 
(which can never be avoided), replacing it with idolatries which are simply 
harder to detect and repent of.  LOL.  Right.  Avoiding sin and separating 
ourselves from this world system in which we live only makes us self 
righteous and would never make us holy.  Do you really believe this stuff?

I don't mean to sound antagonistic, and I probably disappoint you by 
commenting in this way, but most of the article was a sleeper for me, except 
for this humorous paragraph.  It was a lot of the same-old, same-old, 
worldly, brain-washing philosophy I find in virtually every college.  It 
facilitates an ivory tower mentality of being engaged with and involved with 
this world while maintaining an air of superiority "in Christ."  Somebody 
needs to explain to Turnau what real self righteousness looks like.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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