No figment here.   I know when I have been placed in hell and when I have not.  And I know when a brother has been placed outside the realm of the Spirit and when he has not  --   if I can't figure that out --  we should  just stop writing altogether.   By the way, Judy  --   I am not including you  in any of this most recent situation.   And, I am ready to move on.   What I have learned from his is that there are some who think they must know those on this forum in a personal way (apparently) before they can venture a guess as to whether they are in or out, as if they could ever KNOW  this.   When I give anyone credit as being a disciple,  it is not my judgment that they are definitely "in."  It is only an acknowledgement of their claim to be a Christian.  
-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 14:59:27 -0400
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On playing chess & On reading/interpreting the Scriptures for living (not for 'A' living)

I didn't see what Terry wrote as bad behavior; I saw it as him making an honest statement.
If Bill felt "excluded from the faith" by that, then he obviously needs some foundational work
I didn't read any assumption from DM dither  - but then that was possibly another figment
since he is normally quite careful about these things.  If the judgmental assumptions are a
figment of yours or Bills imaginations - then where does that leave you?  The victim of
"accusing spirits" who speak to all of us all of the time, you must learn to recognize and
resist them.  This is walking after the Spirit.   jt
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 14:49:24 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Of course not   --  but you do not ask the right question.  The question should be "Does bad behavior excuse bad behavior."  Those on the right fairly often make worded statements that exclude some on this forum from The Faith.   Such was the assumption  (probably unintentional)  from DM and the confirmation from Terry  (again, probably unintentional.)     I will excuse BT for getting upset at such judgmental assumptions.  Someone on this forum can place me squarely in the pit of hell and that is just fine  --   but if I think someone to be "nuts" well,  THAT IS NUTS.   JD  

From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Does becoming upset excuse bad behavior JD?   Jesus told the sons of thunder they didn't know what
spirit they were of.....jt
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 13:51:24 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Judy -- do you have any idea what was upsetting to Bill? JD 

From: Judy Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck Bill
Calling everyone but your little "perichoresis" groupies a pack and/or jerk is neither kind nor is it loving.  jt
On Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:04:26 -0600 "Bill Taylor" <> writes:
Now this is totally uncalled for, ... jt
Is it, Judy?   How would you know -- aren't you the one always claiming she can't read between the lines? I've heard of selective hearing: perhaps yours is related. Again, Lance, please do not toss me out in another of your comparisons, not to this pack anyway.  
Hard to tell based on the limited infomation I have on either man.
Isn't it amazing how much less information it takes to determine the jerks among us?
We all get your point, Lance -- and it's a valid one. But please do not toss me out in another of your comparisons, not to this pack anyway. 
By the way, Terry: Do you have to work on these, or do they come naturally? 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 6:20 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] On playing chess & On reading/interpreting the Scriptures for living (not for 'A' living)

Lance Muir wrote:
Were we to give Vladmir a Bible and two months of instruction on reading/interpreting it then, pick two or three extended passages for discussion (say the Sermon on the Mount, Philippians 2 & Galatians 5), whose observations would more likely approximate 'writerly intent'? (Supplement this by suggesting that Kramnik was actually converted just before being given the Bible). Would the outcome likely differ?
Not tryin' ta be clever TTers!
Hard to tell based on the limited infomation I have on either man.


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