From: "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Question to the co-moderators: Argumentum ad Hominem is one of the fallacies in the study of logic. Perhaps it has no place on TT.

That is like saying a shovel has no place in digging a hole. The hole is the object...the shovel only enhances our ability to dig one. Like the shovel, logic is a tool we can use to enhance our ability to understand doctrine and explain it to others. Logic does not affect the doctrines we sets the ground rules for how we discuss doctrine.

Why not, for Judy's sake if for no other, switch to the Scriptures as a guideline for conduct on TT? Surely we esteem the 'truth of Scripture' over the 'truth of logic'? If we're gonna criticize the employment of theology as a legitimate discipline we must conclude, logically of course, that this atheistically rooted discipline must not serve to govern us.

No, we do not esteem the 'truth of scripture' over the 'truth of logic', because they are not opposing...they co-exist without either interfering with the other. We can esteem the truth of both at the same time, thus, using reason to understand end explain scripture.

It is the very fact that logic is a-theistic, that is, does not define a theology, that we can use it in dicsussing theology. It will not interfere with the theology we are discussing.

Instead of using the formal term "ad-hominem", the TT guidelines could just as easily have stated, "Do not introduce arguments that appeal to the characteristics, beliefs, or biases of any individual. Argue only the facts of your and the opposing postitions."

I have every confidence that David & Perry will take this matter under advisement as I perceive the 'L-word' to be far more reprehensible than the 'D-word'.

I do not understand waht the L and D words are.


"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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