Blainerb:  Just trying to impress you, Perry, but I see we have failed.    That being apparently true, I guess we might as well pack up our marbles and go home!  (sob, sob)  :>)
In a message dated 7/28/2005 8:01:52 A.M. Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
   Since size matters to some in determining the "trueness" of a church, we
must consider that according to these numbers (in the US):

1. The Catholic Church - 67,259,768
2. Southern Baptist Convention - 16,439,603

the Catholic church is 400% truer than the Southern Baptist Convention, and
the Southern Baptist Convention is at least 300% truer than the mormons.
That makes the RCC a whopping 1300% truer than the LDS! C'mon, guys, you
have a long way to go to become the one true church!

   My point? Size, growth rate, number of members, number of stakes, wards,
temples, missionaries, etc, has nothing to do with the truthfulness of the
message taught by these man-made establishments.

   There is only one church, it belongs to Christ, and consists of people
who belong to Him...not by tithing, attending "services" or "masses",
peforming temple ordnances, learning secret handshakes, taking communion,
being baptised, burning candles, buying indulgences, doing any "good" works,
whatever that is, or jumping through any other number of hoops set up by
men, either before or after we are "saved". We belong to him because we
trust in Jesus Christ (the one revealed to us in the Holy Bible, not some
false one) for the forgiveness of our sins and we "accept" the free gift
that He has offered. We demonstrate this by doing his will.

   So, discuss size all you want. Size really doen't matter. What is in the
heart of each individual is what matters. Do we truly love and trust Jesus
Christ or do we not? Is this evidenced in our lives by our works, our doing
his will?


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