----- Original Message -----
Sent: September 12, 2005 09:06
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Musical Confusion - Noone knows least of all Dylan himself

I have two men that are medically retired that hang around my shop,Judy.  Both claim to be Christians and there is evidence to support their claims.  A couple of days ago they got into a discussion over whether one of them was employable.  The discussion lead to an arguement and now niether of them wants to come to the shop when the other is there.  If I were lost and seeking peace, and these were the only Christians I had ever observed, I would not want to be one.

Carry that thought a little farther and apply it to what you read on TT.  If you were lost and your only experience with Christians was what you read on TT, would you be drawn to Christ?  I find it no wonder that Pagan Wolf desires to remain Pagan.  We are all proudly proclaiming how right we are, but to claim that we are doing it in love would be a bald faced lie.  The fault does not lie with you alone as I have been as guilty as anyone, and it is not only the fault of the Fundies as the Libs can be just as mean spirited as well.

I applaud John for the times that he is able to take a higher road than that that we are now on.  He slips, sometimes falls on his face, but at least he tries until he gets frustrated.  I have decided to try and do better myself in this area, and I invite any and all to correct me when I fail.  Maybe in time we will all do a little better.

Judy Taylor wrote:
I don't believe it though Lance; it is the powers of darkness who encourage ppl NOT to follow Christ and who
cloud their understanding (Eph 2).

If Christians are in fact, real and honest to goodness - their attitudes and/or lifestyle should not be what causes
others to stumble.  If they are misguided or caught up in a fault, they need the help of those who are spiritual in the

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