Wrong!!! Read it again or, keep quiet.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: September 28, 2005 08:54
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] an argument from the gay community for homosecuality

Lance Muir wrote:
It (Christian homosexual) is no more of an oxymoron than 'Christian sinner',. In spite of the poor exegesis and poor theology to the contrary, this is so.
How in the world can one so educated be so consistantly in error?  This pervert that John quoted was offering false teachings, claiming that many in the Bible, including David and Jonathan, were queer.
 Now let me quote from Romans 16:17. " Now I urge you brethren, note those who cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you learned and avoid them."                In the previous verse, Paul instructs Christians to greet each other with a holy kiss.  There is no instruction to avoid a Christian.  There is no instruction to kiss a  false teacher, queer or otherwise.  JD is going against God's will when he spends time with one he has been told to avoid.  If this pervert were a Christian John would be told to greet him with a holy kiss.  It cannot be both ways.  Saved or lost, queer or Christian, never a hybred.

I think the way one commentator put it was very good, making this verse understandable even to the educated.  " Genuine love will be ready to forgive evil, but it will not condone it and will not ignore it."
I hope John takes a new look at his position.  We all need to understand what Paul is teaching here .

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