I saw a bit of awe and fear in DaveH's responses to Dean that revealed to me the effectiveness of Dean in that mormon's life.

DAVEH:    Whew...........!!!    You must be smoking the same stuff as Brother Dean, Perry!   You guys are turning TT into a comedy club.   :-D

    I've got to know....Do you guys expect folks to take you seriously, when you are sometimes so far off base?

    Why shouldn't a Mormon's existence on TT be easy?   What do you think this is....a spiritual battlefield?  I was under the impression that TT was a place where folks of different persuasions, faiths and beliefs could congregate to chat about those differences.  Do you want to change TT to something more harsh and unappetizing to those who have divergent beliefs than a few select TTers?

    For the life of me.........I would have never thought that TT would be a place that would attempt to drive people away from Christ, yet that's the message that continues to be perpetuated here.  What a strange environment this place labeled TruthTalk......Makes one wonder if there is any Christianity in Christians.........or, Truth in TruthTalk.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:
When Dean recently began posting, I saw a bit of awe and fear in DaveH's responses to Dean that revealed to me the effectiveness of Dean in that mormon's life. Dave has had it too easy for a while!). While some of us on this forum can discern these mormon heresies, if there is even a single individual on this forum that does not, then they will gain from exposure of the truth about the mormons.

  In fact, I am surprised that every Christian on this group does not rail against the heresies that are routinely promoted by the mormons on this forum. Instead I see complacency and acceptance of such heresy, even acceptance of pagans as brothers in Christ.


Dave Hansen
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