Dave, if you believe Dean has spoken untruthfully, please present some documentation that refutes his statements. Just blathering on about how he is being untruthful without any you showing anyevidence does not make your point at all.

From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The HEART of the matter
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 23:29:20 -0700

DAVEH: Dean.........I don't know what has gotten into you, but it does seem you are beginning to foam at the mouth! =-O

May I suggest you slow down and think about what you are saying about my beliefs before you hit the send button. It is hard enough to think you actually believe (about my beliefs) what you posted below, let alone thinking that other TTers would be so lacking in cognizance as to believe what you said below is true. I don't know what you are smoking, Dean....but you do seem to be blowing it out your ears tonight!

FWIW.......Brother Dean, calm down and relax a little. IMHO you would be better advised to stick to the truth IF you want folks to take you and your ministry seriously.

Dean Moore wrote:

     cd: JD I don't think you realize how much opposed the Mormon
    religion and the bible really are or you would change the
    above statements. Example: In the Mormon belief Jesus Christ is
    just another man whom believed upon God and is now God of this
    world -but only this world. Just as DaveH believes He will be God
    of another world-and one must believe upon him to received
    salvation on that world.This is what Mormons do-they play
    games.They are using a totally different language.The God
    they believe in had sex in heaven-with one of the women that they
    call from the grave whom stay eternally pregnant- which produced
    Mary and the HOLY Ghost is supposed (their claim not mine)to have
    came down and had sex with Mary and Jesus was produced from this
    sexual act. So their God is a God of Incest. They do not believe
    Jesus is the exclusive way to heaven-Joseph is a way of salvation-
    so is coming to the temple once a year. How can you John claim
    (declare) someo ne whom carries this belief as saved?

Dave Hansen
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