----- Original Message -----
From: Lance Muir
Sent: 10/19/2005 7:28:16 AM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:How Long O Lord?

Granted Dean, this comes from a 'cheap shot artist' but, why not save those comments reflecting only mockery of Dave's faith commitment? David Miller isn't capable of 'saving' anyone.
cd: No- but David lead him to the well and he was thirsty.
With the noteworthy exception of The Bishop of California, I've not seen anyone alter a position on anything since my arrival on TT. Here's a surprise (NOT): EVERYONE IS WHERE THEY WERE. IMO, everyone will be where they are five years from now.
 cd: I am see a big change in most on this site from last year. Terry has grown much as has Judy-Izzy need stronger stimuli-she more than like out grown this site. I think Kevin has regressed to blowing horns in the New York traffic :-) DaveH is no different. Perry has grown but I need more time to tell how much. David Miller has changed-time will tell how much. You I don't know much about .
----- Original Message -----
From: Dean Moore
Sent: October 19, 2005 07:05
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Restoration versus condemnation-David Miller

----- Original Message -----
Sent: 10/19/2005 2:47:59 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Restoration versus condemnation-David Miller

I person saw Miller lead a young man to God and right as salvation was being had-Evil daveH steps and the moment was lost-Now the poor man will more than likely go to hell

DAVEH:   I do believe you are having delusions of grandeur, Brother Dean!   LOL........That's my nephew Jeff you are referring to, and I hardly saved him from the jaws of DavidM!   For you to think that way only highlights your lack of rational thinking, IMHO.  FWIW.....I might think it is more likely that DavidM be persuaded to become a Mormon than for Jeff to be persuaded to leave Mormonism.  If anything Brother Dean, you might instead consider that I saved DavidM from Jeff's jaws!!!   :-D

    BTW.........Should Jeff end up in hell, I suspect it will be to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who've been led astray by those who don't really understand wh at Mormons believe.
cd: I wasn't the only one with this opinion-at the time so was DavidM-I also find it interesting that after all these years you knew exactly who I was talking about. Which Jesus does he preach-the one who's father have sex with Mary that J. Smith told you about who believes in 7 ft quakers on the Moon. Isn't Delusions of grandeur when one thinks too highly of oneself-I'm not talking or boasting on self-I was boasting of DavidM ability to lead others to God-Are you twisting the English language to suit yourself. What are you going to do run for President/King next if you fail at Modorater-King DaveH over the 7ft Quakers on the moon.?

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