John, the 7' Quaker idea comes from Joseph Smith's having stated that there were people living on the moon,which he went on to describe. Pretty interesting statement coming from a "prophet". I posted an article earlier about where he most likely got this idea. Did you read it?

Additionally, Brigham Young (not to be outdone by the prophet, I guess) suggested that there were people living on the sun as well! Another non-prophet statement, in my opinion.



The answers DH has given in this post should end the matters under discussion. I would agree, that after whatever happened to Mary to bring the fetus that would be God/man into existencem the development and birth of that infant was quite natural.

If DH believes more than what he said, well, he didn't say it in this post. What as been written, is clear enough.

After the birth of Christ, Mary was still a virgin. Surely we all believe this !!

Church leaders often speak from their personal convictions.

7 ft Quakers is a part of this discussion because ....................................? I would say that whatever the reason, DH is not a co-believer in the Quaker theory.

How can anyone believe in 7 Quakers? For the same reason one might believe that King James was the first Evangelical or that the KJV is inspired AS A TRANSLATION or that the Law is still in full effect as an attachment to our salvation or ....................................well , you get the point, no?

In debate, one does not need to disprove something that has not been evidenced. And, certainly, not to one's "satisfaction." One of the greatest rock n roll bands of all time sings "can't get no satisfaction." And that seems to be the path taken in the Dean-o ,,.......... DH discussion.


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ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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