Charles Perry Locke wrote:

I read the two BoM references you gave and agree that they support, or at least do not contradict, the virgin birth as described in Matthew.

DAVEH: So does it still bother you that I do *not* believe in the literal sex between God and Mary? Nor that LDS theology does not teach such?

You are assuming a little too much here, Dave. I have not been bothered about what you think regarding the virgin birth, since what you claim seems to be in line with the Bible. I have just questioned that those who should be speaking for the church, and from whom mormons should be able to rely on telling the truth, but who wildly speculate about the physical nature of Jesus' conception. Since they represent the mormon church, then why should critcs not believe that is also what the mormn church believes? Now, on the other hand, had you believed what your leaders have taught, that there was a 'natural' (physical) act that conceived jesus, then my argument would have been with you, too.

I also called my mother-in-law to see what her take (as a mormon) is on the virgin birth issue. Her response was, "We don't talk about that". Case closed.

DAVEH: And you are surprised?!?!?! LDS folks quickly learn not to talk to anti-Mormons about pretty much anything religious. As you've probably noticed here on TT....Anti-Mormons sometimes tend to get rather /excited/ put it mildly! (BTW....I'm a slow learner...) :-)

Again, you are reading into my statement above, making some assumptions that are not true. My mother-in-law did not say that 'mormons' don't discuss this with 'outsiders', or that they 'quickly learned' not to discuss it with critics. She said that 'we' do not talk about that, that is, the mormons in her church do not discuss it even among themselves. The 'case closed' is my inserted comment, indicating that since she has never discussed it even with mormons, that she had nothing more to offer on the issue.

So, yes, I am surprised that she has never discussed this with other mormons. It is a central doctrine of the Christian faith, so since mormons claim to be Christian I would expept them to at least present and acknowledge the critical importance of this fact in their faith, too.

But, she further said that she personally has a problem, not from a theological, but from a personal persective, with the whole concept of the "father" having incest with one of his literal "children" to produce offspring. Do you consider that to be incest, the father with his literal daughter? If so, is incest typically accepted by mormons?

DAVEH: I'm surprised you Mum-in-Law would even suspicion that is what LDS folks believe. Perhaps she should chat with some LDS folks instead of anti-Mormon people to see what the Church teaches about that. From what little I know about her from this post, she does not sound very knowledgeable about this matter.

Wow, your imagination is really working overtime today. She did not "suspicion" that this (incest) is what mormons believe. I mentioned that this was a personal issue with her, not a theological issue. She did not attribute this to or question what mormons believe. And, I am not surprised that she appears to not be knowledgeable about this matter since her church does not appear to discuss it.

And to answer your question, Perry....No...incest is not acceptable in LDS theology.

So, until I get your D&C references, the position I hold is that the standard works support (or, do not contradict) the virgin birth,

DAVEH:  As you said above....*case closed*.

but that some of your prophets and leaders are fantastic speculators.

DAVEH:   Some are....some aren't.  They are human.

I have reproduced a summary from a web page the comments of several of your respected church leaders. I don't think there is any mistake that their position favors a physical act. Of course, as I have already learned, the mormon prophets and leaders are not to be trusted since we see that they speculate, teach, and preach things outside of and in contrast to the standard works, including the Bible!

Summary of mormon "teachings" from leaders on the conception and birth of Jesus from :

  1.  It was the result of natural action,  (Brigham Young,
Journal of Discourses, v. 8, p. 115).
  2. Jesus was not begotten by the Holy Ghost." (Journal of
Discourses, Vol. 1, page 51); (Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 1, page
3. "The Father came Himself and favoured that spirit with a tabernacle instead of letting any other man do it" (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 4, page 218, 1857.) 4. The birth was the result of natural action, (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 8, p. 115). 5. "The Father God was the literal parent of Jesus in the flesh as well as in the spirit." (Religious Truths Defined, p. 44) 6. "Christ was begotten by an Immortal Father in the same way that mortal men are begotten by mortal fathers," (Mormon Doctrine, 1966, page 547.) 7. "There is nothing figurative about his [Jesus'] paternity; he was begotten, conceived and born in the normal and natural course of events" (Mormon Doctrine, by Bruce McConkie, page 742.)

DAVEH: I feel comfortable with the above comments. They fit into my belief paradigm, and do not cause me the consternation that they apparently cause you and other anti-Mormons who want to spin them into something they are not saying or even (IMO) suggesting....literal sex.

If you feel comfortable with these comments, then perhaps you really DO believe in sex between god and mary! I believe it is clear that these men have physical (natural) conception in mind.

FWIW....BRM was also reprimanded for some of the material he published in MD, though the above comments did not bring any criticism from the Church of which I am aware.

The, the church, too, must not have a problem with the view that god performed a physical (natural) act with mary to conceive jesus.

Dave, to say that you believe that it was not a physical act, and then to see nothing wrong with statements that indicate that some of your church leaders DO believe it was a physical (natural) act is highly inconsistent. You can't have it both ways. Either you agree with these men or you don't.

You almost had me believing that you believe totally in the virgin I am again wondering about it. You have such a hard time seeing the hypocrisy in your position. Why are you trying to cover up for a few of your heretical leaders? I would have much more respect for you if you saw the truth in their statements and admitted such and not agreed with them. But, I guess you are what you are...a mormon, thus blind to the hypocrisy, lies, and deceit within your own church

Finally, on the issue of incest. If the mormon god impregnated his literal daughter Mary ('literal' is a word you often use to describe your relationship with your god), why would you not cinsider that incest? Do you define it differently than the rest of the world? How do you skirt that issue?


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