----- Original Message -----
From: Dave
Sent: 10/22/2005 1:26:16 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Re:The HEART of the matter

 cd:The Mormons claim that their prophets are always correct.

DAVEH:   ???   Who, when and in what context was such a claim made, Dean???  Maybe you have us mixed up with the RCC folks, who believe in the infallibility of the pope.  We (LDS) have no such illusions.  Our leaders are fallible.
cd:I'm not going to spend the rest of my time on TT giving you proof for every thing I say-Many Mormons have claim this as they have the Sex with Mary issue which you wanted proof and still won't recieve it and the Quakers on the Moon which you want proof and still won't recieve it and you want proof with this . Here is you Proof-If you make it to heaven with you Mormon Belief then God is a liar-now we will wait and see who is right you or God-till then go bark somewhere else.


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