Taylor wrote:
Hymen has nothing to do with it.  She never had sexual intercourse until after Jesus was born; hence His brothers and sisters.  izzy
Au Contraire! Sometimes I think you all just want something to argue about. Do you think God chose a girl whose hymen had been ripped riding horses? Of course not, for then there would be no way of proving that she had not conceived by engaging in the sex act (even though in fact she had not). The hymen has everything to do with it: Mary was a virgin -- and visibly so.
According for the example you just gave,  there are virgins who have ruptured hymens.  This being so, we cannot conclusively say that a torn hymen is a sign of a non virgin.  If we want conclusive proof, we must examine God's word, which assures us that she was a virgin.  No examination needed.

Going to take my wife to supper now.  Y'all play nice.

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