Dean Moore wrote:

    And....yes, you are correct.  Sometimes I have had meaningful discussions with you, even though I'm sure you find me still ignorant in matters of truth.  I appreciate you continuing to chat with me despite my presumed ignorance.
cd: Ignorance in our language isn't a bad word or a put down-it means that one simple doesn't know certain topics or facts. I am ignorant about many areas of Mormon religion such as what is Pay-lay ale? Yet I understand that to be the brother of Christ-Satan isn't viewed in your religion to be such a bad guy.So to you doing a chant invoking his name isn't the worst one can do.
DAVEH:   So why do you make assumptions about something you do not know about, Dean?   Your ignorance may cause you to draw incorrect conclusions.
But for the matter of our discussion Lucifer is not another name of Satan
DAVEH:   Do you not consider Lucifer and Satan to be one in the same entity???
-this is a mistake in the meaning of the translation.In the ancient Greek the word was "Day Star" and refereed to the Babylon Prince Belshazzar ( I think that was his name) and was comparing men to stars and Belshazzar was the most powerful man as Venus was the brightest morning star hence to name Lucifer-which by the way the only time this name is used in the bible (Isaiah 14:12) .In a d eeper search The word actually means "Howl"The NASB is mo re correct here then the KJV.

Dave Hansen
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