CD wrote:
Do you guys know the laws concerning Campus Preaching?
The security at WCU keep insisting that I can preach in only
two areas on Campus which works good while student are
in school-but if an event such as games and concerts..etc is
held then I am stuck on the other side of campus where no
one can hear (ie. the same two areas)?

Western Carolina University is a public university, so it is subject to the establishment clause of our Constitution. This means that you do have the right to speak anywhere on campus as long as you do not disrupt university activities such as classes. For example, you can't stand outside a classroom window and shout so loud that the students cannot hear the professor's lecture.

Nevertheless, having the right to speak and the local authorities recognizing your right are two different things. Local authorities are always moving toward infringment of your Constitutional rights. They try to control things, and control left unchecked leads to the infringement of civil liberties. The first steps they take toward this infringement is by requiring permits or by establishing free speech zones. When people comply with these new rules, they have the control they seek. However, permits and free speech zones often do infringe upon your Constitutional rights. It usually takes court challenges to change these laws.

Your recourse to this problem include several tactics.

1. Try to educate the authorities that they are violating your civil liberties. Good luck. This rarely works, but it is a necessary etiquette to try it first. Plan to work your way up the chain of authority.

2. Solicit the help of an civil rights attorney or one of the many Christian Legal groups that help preserve our religious liberties.

3. Exercise your civil rights respectfully, and prepare to be arrested and to defend yourself in court. Cases like these often are lost in the lower courts where Constitutional law is not well understood, so you have to prepare to appeal to federal court before realizing victory. Sometimes, however, the lower courts do recognize Constitutional law and you win right away. Often the cases are dismissed before even getting to court. Holy Hubert was arrested over 100 times, but I don't think they ever prosecuted him in the USA. He did tell me about a prosecution in Mongolia, but he said that he was never convicted of a crime in any of his arrests.

It really helps to become educated in Constitutional law. I have some documents from my experience in court, but they are not in electronic form that I could email to you. There are many court cases of other preachers that have their legal briefs in PDF files. I have a few of these, but I have not made any effort to make a collection of them. It should not be too hard to google around the internet and collect the information you need to understand Constitutional law.

In terms of the nuts and bolts of how to deal with police telling you to stop, I have taken the following steps.

1. I take a cooperative attitude with police officers. I assume that they are doing their job of investigating a complaint or trying to enforce a policy that his superior has ordered him to enforce. Sometimes the police officer has a personal beef, but I try not to let that make the confrontation personal with me. I always respect his office even if he does not.

2. I inform the officer that I am exercising my free speech rights and that my speech is protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. I usually ask him, "is there some policy of the university that you think I might be violating?" If he answers in the affirmative, I ask him to reference the policy for me. If he cannot and still will not allow me to speak, I tell him that I want to talk to his superior, or I ask what univeristy administrator oversees the policy that he is trying to enforce. Sometimes I go directly from there to that administrator's office. Many times there is no actual policy that they are enforcing. In other words, there is nothing written down. If that is the case, I inform the administrator that they are violating my Constitutional rights and that I intend to preach again in the same location. If they intend to continue to hinder me illegally as they have already done, the individuals involved as well as the university will be subject to monetary damages in court. This usually results in a small police escort who stand and listen to me preach all day. Sometimes they video tape me, looking for evidence to prosecute me.

3. I sometimes have used a letter from Jim Elsman (Michigan attorney) to cause the police to back down. It basically cites court cases that protect my freedom to preach and it threatens the university with million dollar law suit if they hinder my preaching. I haved used this letter if it appears that the police officer really does not have any basis from stopping me, but somebody up the chain of command has ordered him to do something about me. What the letter does is allow him to cover himself. He usually photocopies the letter and puts it in a file, then he allows me to keep preaching. It gives him documentation that he attempted to do something, but was threatened with a law suit.

So the bottom line is that according to federal law, you have the right to speak anywhere on Western Carolina University, but the university policy makers may not be recognizing that right and you might have to fight and suffer some in order to gain that liberty again.

By the way, do you know Gary Birdsong? He is a preacher who lives in that area and probably has experience on that campus. I've preached with him several times, and he has stayed at my home when he has traveled through this area preaching on campuses.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you 
ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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