See Galatians.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: November 02, 2005 11:10
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Courtesy of A.Word.A.Day

"It is impossible that the gospel and the law should dwell together in one heart, for of necessity, either Christ must yield and give place to the law, or the law to Christ. The Ap. Paul says: 'They which will be justified through the law, are fallen from grace.' [Gal. 5]. Therefore, when you are of this mind, that Christ and the confidence of the law may dwell together in your heart, then you may know for certain it is not Christ, but the devil that dwells in you, who under the mask and form of Christ terrifies you. He will have it that you make yourself righteous through the law, and through your own good works..[but] the true Christ calls you not into account for your sins, nor commands you to trust in your own good works, but says 'Come unto me..I will give you rest.'"
           -- M. Luther, _Table Talk_, c. 1566, J. Aurifaber, A. Lauterbach, Eiselben, Germany

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