Don't you mean "one in purpose"?  : )

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I can plainly see the T - doctrine in the scriptures

DAVEH:  Where do you find one substance in the Bible, Kevin?

    As with any incorrect is not what can be found in Scripture that is congruent with it, but rather that which is in the theory that is not found in Scripture that defines whether or not it is doctrinally correct.

Kevin Deegan wrote:
I believe the Reformers tried to rely on the scripture alone as best they could.
I can plainly see the T - doctrine in the scriptures so I have no problem with one even discovering it purely from a reading of the scriptures Alone! SOLA SCRIPTURA!  NO Church authority or Pope or Tradition or Prophet required!

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH: Do you accept that the Reformers adopted it due to their
familiarity with RCC doctrines? IOW, had the RCC folks not been using
it, do you think the Reformers would have taken it as their own doctrine?

BTW.....It is not altogether surprising that some early Mormons
believed it, as most of them came from Protestant stock, and would have
been versed (and biased) in Protestant doctrines.

David Miller wrote:

> Kevin wrote:
>>> Also, I am interested in what doctrines you believe
>>> the protestants retained from the RCC
>> Trinity Doctrine
> Why should this be surprising to you? The Trinity Doctrine came about
> long before the Roman Catholic Church did. Even some of the other
> Mormon sects accept the Trinity, and so did some of the LDS leaders in
> the early days of the LDS.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.

Dave Hansen
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