You might find interesting how another Mormon saw this:
LDS Respondent says:
Patriarchal blessings concerning `moon-men'
These statements meant basically everyone in the universe.  See in
the LDS Church we don't believe that God has limited his ability to
create mankind on this puny little earth.  See our God is greater
than the transparent spirit creature of traditional beliefs.  Our God
has been creating worlds and humanity for all eternity!
  How long has
your transparency been doing it, humm… about 6000 years, pretty puny
God you worship.  What has IT been doing for ALL ETERNITY?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Judy Taylor wrote:
On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 00:20:16 -0700 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Is this really part of accepted Mormon doctrine?

DAVEH:   No Judy, it is not part of Mormon Doctrine.  It is just that some anti-Mormon folks want people to think it is a part of our theology.
I don't think so Daveh; here is a third quote by one Al Roy who left Mormonism. All of these ppl quote your own writings which rather than disprove - validates what Dean has been saying .....
DAVEH:   I find it interesting that you believe what Dean told you about this instead of me, Judy.   FTR.......Oliver Huntington's journal is NOT a part of LDS theology.  As I've explained before, OBH is the only guy I know of who claimed JS said such.  (That OBH's statement was quoted in Young Woman's Journal certainly does not qualify as an endorsement.)  Whether he (JS) was doing it as a joke, or whether OBH fully understood or remembered what JS said....that's hard to say.  From what I know about JS, he was above joshing somebody with a story like that.

    If you read BY's comment, you will notice that he is simply speculating......

Do you think it is inhabited?  I rather think it is

.........which hardly qualifies as definitive doctrine.
Regarding MEN ON THE MOON, Oliver B. Huntington said,

"The INHABITANTS OF THE MOON are more of a uniform size than those of the earth, being about 6 feet in height. They dress very much like the quaker style and are quite general in style, or fashion of dress. They live to be very old; coming generally, near a thousand years. This is the description of them as given by Joseph the seer, and he could see whatever he asked the father in the name of Jesus to see." And that was from the Journal of Oliver B. Huntington. Vol. 3, page 166.

Brigham Young added this to Joseph Smith's teaching: "Who can tell us of the inhabitants of this little planet that shines of an evening, called the moon?...

"when you inquire about the inhabitants of that sphere you find that the most learned are as ignorant in regard to them as the ignorant of their fellows. So it is in regard to the inhabitants of the sun. Do you think it is inhabited? I rather think it is. Do you think there is any life there? No question of it." From the Journal of Discourses, vol.13, page 271).

Now, Brigham did use the words, ‘I rather think,’ so I’ll let him get away with that one, rather than say that he said it in his official capacity as a Mormon prophet. But it should still serve as a wake up call to you, my dear Mormon.

Dave Hansen
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