Amen CPL!! What's up with that Dave? You just finished saying what you'd learned of Protestants (and those like 'em) on TT. Are you reading for understanding or, just to critique?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Charles Perry Locke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: November 18, 2005 12:28
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Moses sees god's face and lives in the PoGP!

Dave, why are you arguing with Christians who many many times have told you that we believe, from scripture, that God the Father is a Spirit? You keep trying to argue with Christians on that point, which you have asked and heard the answer over and over. If you really want to know what "protestants" believe, then accept that fact, and accept the scriptures that are repeatedly used to demonstrate that to you. remeber, we get are facts from the Bible, not extra-biblical heretical works.

When you continue to ask us over and over and over why we don't think God the Father has flesh and bones, you are no longer trying to learn, and are flat out ignoring what you have been told over and that point you are trying to convince us otherwise. That is called proselytizing, which you claim you are not here to do!


From: Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Moses sees god's face and lives in the PoGP!
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 06:55:22 -0800

_*If he is a MAN what is that man made of?*_

DAVEH: Jesus in his current resurrected state is /flesh and bone/, as you correctly stated.......

_*Lu 24:9 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me, and see; for a *spirit* hath not* flesh and bones*, as ye see me have.*_ _*When he was resurrected He became Flesh & BONE (What happened to the blood He is Not Spirit BUT He is also NOT Flesh & Blood right now. He is Flesh & Bone)*_

...........So why did you feel the need to suggest the *Father is NOT FLESH & BLOOD!!!!* was not an issue.

However, since Jesus has a physical body of /flesh and bone/, then it might give one reason to ponder whether or not his Father in heaven might also be likewise composed.

Kevin Deegan wrote:

_*If he is a MAN what is that man made of?*_

*/Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    *THEREFORE as you can see, the Father is NOT FLESH & BLOOD!!!!*

    DAVEH:   ???   Huh!?!?!?!    Who said anything about the *Father
    *being *FLESH & BLOOD*???  Why do you make this stuff up, Kevin?

    Kevin Deegan wrote:

    Of course He is God always was God and if you do not think He is
    God you will DIE IN YOUR SINS Jesus said so.
    JN 8:24 if ye believe not that *I am* he, *ye shall die in your
         And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon
    Barjona: for *flesh and blood* hath not revealed it unto thee,
    *but my Father* which is in heaven.
    The Father revealed it
    Flesh & Blood did not reveal it
    *THEREFORE as you can see, the Father is NOT FLESH & BLOOD!!!!*
** There are many verses talking about MAN that refer to Flesh &
    Blood Such as:
    Hb 2:14 Forasmuch then as the *children* are *partakers of flesh
    and blood*, he also himself *likewise took part of the same*;
    that through death he might destroy him that had the power of
    death, that is, the devil
    Now notice that Jesus partook of Flesh & Blood himself when He
    became manifest IN the Flesh. Previous to this point he was not
    manifest as Flesh & blood.
    _*Lu 24:9 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself:
    handle me, and see; for a *spirit* hath not* flesh and bones*, as
    ye see me have.*_
    _*When he was resurrected He became Flesh & BONE (What happened
    to the blood He is Not Spirit BUT He is also NOT Flesh & Blood
    right now. He is Flesh & Bone)*_

    */Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

        *Anyone can se e the physical shell that surrounded God in
        the FLESH*

        DAVEH:   So if that is the case, then why was not Moses
        allowed to see God's face?

        *How could a Mortal BODY contain ALL of the IMMORTAL

        DAVEH:  By becoming an immortal resurrected being, as did
        Jesus.  Do you believe Jesus currently has a physical body,
        Kevin?   And, do you believe he is fully God?

        Kevin Deegan wrote:

        *NO Contradiction DH.*
        Jesus is the PHYSICAL representation of God who is an
        INVISIBLE Spirit!
Just like no one but the High priest could go into the Holy
        of Holies in the Temple but once a year. Even the High
        Priest would die if he broke rules.
        Anyone could see the Temple shell that surrounds the Holy of
        *Anyone can see the physical shell that surrounded God in
        the FLESH*
        It is His physical representation it is NOT his ESSENCE
        We are told that the whole universe can not contain Go d.
        *How could a Mortal BODY contain ALL of the IMMORTAL
        It was just the EXPRESS Image or Representation of a
        LIMITLESS God in a Limited TEMPLE of FLESH!

Dave Hansen
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