DAVEH:   I found it on my second computer, Lance!  

    At the risk of getting Perry excited again, I'll endeavor to give you a very brief outline of what I view the message of Mormonism.

    To simplify it....We were all created as part of large family before we came to this earth in mortality.  Our literal Heavenly Father wants us to become like him, and in order to do that we needed to know the difference from good and evil, as he does.   To do that, Adam and Eve transgressed in the Garden of Eden, which brought about death.  To overcome death (both physical and spiritual), God sent his Son to sacrifice his life in our behalf.  By virtue of his grace, it is now possible for us to return to heaven, and become one with our Heavenly Father and Jesus.

    It would be impossible for me to respond to all the accusations against LDS theology that have been posted on TT.   Even when I do rebut the incorrect and sometimes ridiculous (viz, the God had sex with Mary denial I repeatedly gave) comments, some do not accept my explanations.

    Excepting for the accusations by some well known anti-Mormon TTers, I've tried to answer as many of the questions from other TTers as I can.  I've certainly overlooked a few, and had not enough time for many though, and there are some I will not answer due to their nature (viz, temple ordinances).  And....some I have considered to be rhetorical, and hence did not feel compelled to respond.  So....if there is any question you or any other TTer, excepting those who want to denigrate my beliefs, wish to ask....just do it.   If I don't respond within a reasonable time, and you really want to know the answer....mention it again.

Lance Muir wrote:
One cannot but grow weary of the pedantic, repetetive anti-Mormon diatribes put forward by CPL and others. Would you consider outlining for me alone (all of the others can hit delete or, close their eyes so as not to be contaminated) the Mormon 'gospel'.  In so doing kindly answer the charges one hears again and again and again...ad nauseum. Since I know what they (the charges) are then, so do you. Let's set the record straight at least for the present.
Y'all have had plenty of time to have grasped the distinctions 'tween the Mormon 'gospel' and the traditional Christian 'gospel'.
Do it guys! (and gals if there are any of you lurking out there)

 Dave Hansen
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