DAVEH:   I don't know that I would use the term......having a blast sporting with us....... Lance, but I will admit to very much enjoying most of my exchanges with other TTers.    Not only have I learned a lot during my tenure here, but it is a different change of pace from what I normally do during the day.  I view it almost like therapy.   In a sense I suppose it does seem like a sport to me, though I'm not proud of thinking about it that way. 

    One particular aspect of TT I enjoy is the opportunity it affords to respond with tongue in cheek (as the Pastor of TT likes to put it) at times.  But I suspect much of what I say goes right over the heads of some.  And for others, it probably gets deleted without being read.  (Which is the main reason they put the DELETE key on the keyboard.)   It rather surprises me that some TTers seem to lack a sense of humor, although even g has exhibited some recently.  (And Dean has actually started turning into a real human being with his recent funny comments!)  So perhaps my perception is worse than reality.  I think some TTers view it their mission to convert Mormons, and don't find anything to smile about when they find it tougher than expected to convert this one.  As for me....I simply don't have that irritation gnawing me in the butt.      :-)

    Furthermore, I've really enjoyed the mental exercise it gives me to dig through the Scriptures more than I've done in the past.  Without such antagonism about what I believe, there would be little reason for me to question much of what I've previously accepted without question.  Now I have a better understanding of the theological nature of Mormonism, and how much stronger it is than I had previously imagined.  For many LDS folks, Mormon culture is very appealing and sufficient reason to remain LDS regardless of how they view the doctrinal implications.  So I really appreciate gaining a better understanding of the doctrines that drive the culture.  Without TTers testing the metal (so to speak), there would be little reason for me be concerned with the hardcore theological arguments proposed by LDS theology. 

    And finally........I suspect what I am now going to say is not going to be well received by some TTers, but my testimony has actually been strengthened by what some TTers post......and for that, I am very thankful.

    May the Lord bless you and other TTers who've been kind to me over the years.

Lance Muir wrote:
'twouldn't hurt my feelings one bit if he was. HOWEVER, DaveH, I should like to have you, before your god, tell us 'folks' whether you are or are not 'having a blast sporting with us'. A whole lot of virtual ink could be saved by Kevin, CPL, et al were this to be the case.

Dave Hansen
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