On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 21:14:48 -0500 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
One of the differences between the two covenants referenced in Jere 31:31-34 is this leadership of the spirit.   We, here on TT,  are not the typical picture of the church.   Most (except for two that I can think of ) are well studied and prepared to defend their point of view while probably 90% of the church is not so equipped.   The reason we need teachers, preachers, and evangelist is because few "study to show " themselves approved  (is that what it really says  ??).   I have known literally hundreds of Christians, over the years, who thoroughly understand what God is all about but are not students of the biblical message.  There is all this argument over the "law" ----&n bsp;   much talk about not much.  
JD what is this &n bsp? Is it your own personal shorthand because it is meaningless to me.  If I were you I would be repenting between the doorpost and altar for the hundreds of "Christians" you refer to above because they do not know what God is all about and are in danger of perishing for lack of knowledge.
New Testament scriptures  (which is different form "new testament")  do not have a legal ring to them as does parts of Exodus and Leviticus.   There is just nothing in NT scripture of equal style   --   because the law has come to an end for those who are led by the Spirit.   
God's moral law has done nothing of the sort.  It still stands in judgment of those who transgress it.. and the Words Jesus spoke were entirely in harmony with it. Heaven and earth will pass away before one jot or tittle will be changed.
Anyone who makes a statement like the above just does not know God.
We need the biblical message  --   but we can certainly be as "spiritual" as anyone without the Book.  
Oh really?  In whose opinion?  God says through the prophet Isaiah "If they speak not according to THIS Word
there is no light in them" Isaiah 8:20  ....  So if the light within you be darkness, how great is that darkness?
Matthew 6:23.  Following other men's opinions can be deadly.
In fact, there has been  many hundreds if not millions of Christian who have been denied access to the Message, over the centuries.    Thank God that He has given us His Abiding Word  --   as well as the biblical messageJd
Oh so now we have a choice, there are two kinds of Word rather than just one?  Where did that come from? We don't have to concern ourselves with what is past.  Noone in our generation has been denied access to the Message, the
Biblical message that is or the Scriptures as Jesus called them so by what authority do you make the claim above?

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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