We should take a stand on the issue of translations. I am not saying to shrug and remain unpartial. But to question someone's salvation over the topic is taking it pretty far, don't you think? I think the NIV is a horrible translation, but I do not crusade for the KJV at all the Bible Studies I attend. It should not be a stumbling block. Also, another thing I have noticed is that younger Christians tend to read the NIV, and usually grow out of it because it is a poor translation.. Do you think I should be more emphatic about this issue, Dean?

Dean Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
cd: And what if the other versions are not complete and have actually removed some of the word of Christ-How do you view that Christine? Should one get bent out of shape over that?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: 11/21/2005 12:40:50 AM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Does it REALLY matter that much?

Hello Pete! I think you bring up excellent points, and I agree with your position that while the KJV is the best translation, it is harmful to get "bent out of shape" over the issue.

I am taking an introductory course to Islam right now, and I thought I would point out that the Quran has been kept in the same Arabic throughout the ages. The Quran has been translated into other languages, but Muslims do not consider those the word of God, and all Muslims must learn Arabic so that they can read the Quran in its original language. The result is awful. They worship the book: you have to handle it with a certain hand, if you are not a Muslim you cannot touch it, if you are Muslim, you must wash before touching it lest you desecrate it. In public forums, Muslims will boast that their book has been unchanged, and is therefore perfect, and I wonder if this fact has contributed to leading these people further into idolotry of the book itself (aside from the fact that they fo llow false gods: that would also contribute to the idolotry). I think this just goes to show you not to get so consumed with the physical aspects of spiritual matters.

This Islam stuff is something else.



Peter Krostag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Brothers and Sisters in Christ do you have an answer for Daves question as to why we allow our Bibles to remove God's words with no objections and cut Smith to pieces for doing the same thing???
Pete responds:  We really didnt ALLOW this to happen.  It just did.  J
As far as translations are concerned, from what I have read, I think that the KJV is probably the closest to the original in most cases.  Thats just me though.  My preference is the KJV; but some verses, IMHO, read better in different versions.  Do I make a big deal about?  No, because I have seen one of my good friends get real bent out of shape about it.  It got so bad, that he almost accused me of not being saved because I didnt agree with him.  He also told me that the NIV would be used by the New Age people to deceive people in the last days.  He has separated himself from other Christians because of his belief about the KJV.  When it becomes divisive that Christians cant even come together and fellowship, then something is wrong.  
I know people who love God and dont read the KJV exclusively.
When I was born again, I read through the NIV New Testament.  I learned a lot and was growing in the Lord with that version.  I eventually got a Thompson Chain reference because it was recommended by a good friend.  I eventually got used to the KJV, but today, I like the NKJV and KJV, but sometimes I like to read the Amplified Version because the wording is picturesque. 

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