Amen, Dean! I thought you spoke very well on the subject. And what is un-Christian about preaching Christ?? JD or Lance? Did you find find his preaching offensive? Am I just desensitized to preachers? :-)

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This is interesting ... The anti-Christian site is obeying the will of their father with a false scenario. Why are the
girls in black out there singing?  They certainly don't look rehearsed or even focused and in the past I have been
told that their sole purpose was to drown out the street preachers.  The choice Dean presents here is exactly
right.  Truth vs error, light vs darkness, and  life as opposed to death.  All of us must choose this day we we will
Kevin Deegan wrote:
Dean is FEATURED on this ANTI-CHRISTIAN site.
What EXACTLY is he saying that is wrong here?
Allen L. Wyatt, "Anti-Mormon Protesters at the April 2003 LDS General Conference," (Mesa, Arizona: FAIR, April 2003) In this short video clip, an anti-Mormon protester at the April 2003 General Conference shouts his opinions about the Book of Mormon, drowning out nearby missionaries trying to sing hymns. Another protester waves temple garments at passersby.

He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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