This is like a dog chasing it's tail and doing it in Greek compounds the problem.
What difference is there between a mistake and an error?
Mistake:  To err in opinion or judgment; An error in opinion or judgment, a misconcption
2. A slip; a fault; an error.  There is a mistake in the account or in the date. (Noah Webster 1828)
Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin states   >  Bill was asked to provide ERRORS in the KJV, this is not an error & in fact is the way MOST Translators & Translations translate the verse
No, Kevin, I was not asked to provide errors in the KJV; I was asked to provide "mistakes," which I have done, having suggested that a "cursory" reading of this verse may lead a person to draw a wrong conclusion, which is exactly what you and Judy did, which is demonstrated in your ongoing argument against the present passive aspect of this participle.
He that says "I know Him" and doesn't keep His Commandments
                              is a liar (1 John 2:4)

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